Hi Guys,
The purpose of this blog is to pass on about what I have experienced during my website being created.
Personally, I think the first step to basically pick your hosting service for your website. It is very important and very crucial for your website. Here‘s a basic checklist for myself .
- Choose a web hosting that compatible or easy to set up with your future website (for example, I want to run my website on WordPress therefore I need to look for the host that give me a quick and easy set up, the best reliable source is on the WordPress website.
- Alternatively, choose from the company that has been in business for long time and have a good review in support, just in case something goes wrong. I have chosen ventraip, so far no problems.
- Hosting features just make sure that you only just pay for the services you want, do not pay for the plan that you’re not going to use it eg, business or economic plan.
- Location of the hosting server, this one is also important to your search engine, if you site offering goods or services in Australia then it should best to get it hosted locally.
- Read more review from google or any search engine, I normally read a review from whirlpool forum, I think you can get some useful information from another user also.
- Free blog, you also can get a free blog from google blog or wordpress.com
- For your domain name, if you are looking for Australian domain name which is .com.au you need to have ABN/ACN. Normally, you can buy domain name from your web hosting provider or if you already have one, also it is no problems to transfer.
- There are no restrictions on the number of domain names as long as you have ABN/ACN, you can register one from ABR wesite or if not sure, you can search from ABN look up
I think, that’s it, hope this piece of information can help you to get for website started.
Good luck!